In this exclusive interview, Alex Yang, CEO of Forest Hills Lab, reveals the inspiration behind the company's name and i..
2025.01.16in the scientific rigor of our therapeutics development.
Like FHL's Therapeutics division, FHL Aesthetics is grounded in clinical precision.
Our exacting scientific and safety standards are applied across our entire medical- and cosmetic-grade aesthetics portfolio.
Skin Boosters, and Meso Serum
Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally-occuring compound produced in the body.
HA filler provides skin with moisture, plumpness, and elasticity.
Skin boosters smooth and hydrate, strengthen
skin elasticity, and restore a radiant glow.
Powerful and safe ingredients that enhance skin health
and texture and catalyze collagen regeneration.
Skin improvement solutions in development in the laboratory
for leading skincare experts and professionals.
The scientific point of departure for
FHL's innovative products, current and future.
Our R&D centre focuses on developing and formulating
anti-aging products composed of precision biopolymers.
Our aesthetic products are registered the world over and distributed to global consumers through our valuable partnerships.
We are headquartered in Hong Kong while our global offices provide comprehensive R&D, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and support.
FHL Aesthetics attends exhibitions around the world.
Come meet us and our products.
Our seminars are the perfect opportunity to learn
about FHL products and advanced technologies.